Dallas Area Certified Rolfers® |
...The complete list of active Rolfers in the Metroplex |
Theo Sadowski, CFST, LMT - Certified Rolfer, Keystone Rolfing 2800 Corporate Drive, Suite 100 Flower Mound, TX 75028 (817) 821-8825 www.keystonerolfing.com theo@keystonerolfing.com John Parks - Certified Rolfer Dallas, Texas 75252 (972) 841-8841 johnp@copper.net Richard Merbler - Certified Advanced Rolfer 8710 Greenville Ave. Suite A Dallas, Texas 75243 (972) 392-7653 www.rolfingdallas.com www.rolfingdallas.org Chuck Lustfield , Ph.D. - Certified Advanced Rolfer P.O. Box 59048 Dallas TX 75229 (North Dallas area) (214) 902-8900 www.rolfingdallasfortworth.com Mary Elizabeth Kimberlin - Certified Advanced Rolfer 4525 Lemmon Ave, Suite 305 Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 693-3764 www.dallasrolfing.com Sam Johnson - Certified Advanced Rolfer 12250 Inwood Rd, Suite 7 Dallas, Texas 75244 (972) 701-9700 www.samjohnsonrolfing.com Jonathan Imburgia - Certified Rolfer 1103B Ridge Road Rockwall, Texas 75087 (972) 741-0857 www.bodysynergie.com Nicholas French, Ph.D. - Certified Advanced Rolfer 4106 Creekdale Drive Dallas, Texas 75229-5304 (214) 357-7571 rolfjung@airmail.net Dennis Bailey |
Dallas County |
The terms Rolfing and Rolfer are servicemarks of the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration. |